No longer update my blog for hours on end, I think months. :v
I'm about to share what I've learned.
What do you think when your drinking water spilled on your skirt? I'm sure it'll be wet. Feeling dejected? Probably for some of people. ^^
Do you think about the stain? Why does the wet stain look darker? Talking about that, there are scientific explanations.
As we know that we can see an object because of light emanating from the object into the eyes.
The more light from the object, the brighter it looks and vice versa.
An object which sends little of light into our eyes looks darker.
So the problem we've to know's why the light from the wet stain's less than the dry stain.
Those objects reflect the light it receive from elsewhere, but there is no object that reflects all the light that falls onto it, all objects absorb and restore or reflect some of the light.
So the wet stain reflects less light because it has the reason why does it absorb more.
A piece of fabric's interconnected fiber.
When the fabric's becoming wet and absorbing water through capillary action, the spaces among the fibers filled with water.
It causes some of the light that comes into the fabric will fall on the surface of the water rater than on the fiber.
Then the refraction process'll occur.