1. ~がる (~Garu)
~がる (~Garu) is used to change adjectives to verbs.
For example:
欲しい (Hoshii = want) -> 欲しがる(Hoshigaru)
恥ずかしい (Hazukashii = shy) -> 恥ずかしがる (Hazukashigaru)
2. `~させられる(~Saserareru)
~Saserareru is used to when someone asked/forced to do something.
For example:
両親に英語を勉強させられる (Ryoushin ni ei go o benkyousaserareru) =
asked (forced) to learn English by parents
3. ~させる (~Saseru)
~させる (~Saseru) is 使役系 (Causative sentence) used to order, to let and to permit.
For example:
先生に月曜日までに宿題を出させる (Sensei ni getsuyoubi made ni shukudai o dasaseru) = I was asked to collect the homework until Monday
天気がいいから、子供を外で遊ばせる (Tenki ga ii kara, kodomo o soto de asobaseru) = I allow / let the kids play outside because the weather is nice
4. ~すぎる (~Sugiru) = Too ~
For example:
ビールを飲みすぎる (Biiru wo nomisugiru) = drink beer too much
5. ~ちゅう (~chuu)
~ちゅう (~chuu) is used when we are doing something.
~ちゅう (~chuu) same with ~しています/してる (~shite imasu/shiteru)
For example:
仕事ちゅう (shigoto chuu) =仕事してる (shigoto shiteru) = working
会議ちゅう(kaigi chuu) = 会議してる (kaigi shiteru) = meeting
5. ~ていただけませんか(~te itadakemasenka)
~ていただけませんか(~te itadakemasenka) is used to expression polite to ask for help to someone.
For example:
(Kono shorui, sain wo shite itadakemasen ka?)= Would you signing an document?
NASI GORENGを作っていただけませんか?
(Nasi goreng wo tsukutte itadakemasen ka) = Would you making fried rice for me?
6. ~ておく (~Te oku)
~ておく (~Te oku) is used when an activity undertaken or prepared before doing other activities.
For example:
(Happyou ga hajimaru mae ni, shiryou
wo yonde oku)
=I will read the material before the presentation begins
7. ~てくれてありがとう (~te kurete arigatou)
~てくれてありがとう (~te kurete arigatou) is used to thank people
For example:
日本語を教えてありがとうございます (nihon go o oshiete arigatou gozaimasu)
= Thank you for teaching me Japanese
hopefully these lessons useful for us \(≧∇≦)/
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