The Flowers
They abide by the world's rules
They are able to breathe easily again after the summer
They are able to survive standing on their head from the pain
They are able to survive blindfolded and really GOD knows everything we don't know
It's not a pain
We are able the againsts to take a joke
It's about time how the truth will be uncovered
It's about to uncovered their cowardness
I like the flowers but above all I love a red ross
Above all else, all the flowers are amazing
The creatures of GOD
They are able to breathe easily again after the summer
They are able to survive standing on their head from the pain
They are able to survive blindfolded and really GOD knows everything we don't know
It's not a pain
We are able the againsts to take a joke
It's about time how the truth will be uncovered
It's about to uncovered their cowardness
I like the flowers but above all I love a red ross
Above all else, all the flowers are amazing
The creatures of GOD
By: Dewi Mulyani
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Monday, September 22, 2014
General Knowledge,
Aplikasi Do'a Sehari-hari
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Friday, September 12, 2014
General Knowledge,
di sini.
Free Download Aplikasi Belajar Tajwid
Free download aplikasi belajar Tajwid. Dipelajari dan disebar luaskan ya semoga berkah, aamiin.
Chain n disorder story, I won't allow anyone to restrict my freedom for doing what I wanna do and for expressing wht's in my mind. Null and void brain!!!
If You Really Want To Disobey Allah...
It is reported that a man once went to Ibraaheem ibn Adham and said,
"O Abu Isḥaaq, I continually wrong my own self, and I turn away from everything that invites me to improve my way of life."
Ibraaheem said, "If you can fulfil five conditions, then sinning will never harm you, and you can fulfil your desires as much as you want."
"O Abu Isḥaaq, I continually wrong my own self, and I turn away from everything that invites me to improve my way of life."
Ibraaheem said, "If you can fulfil five conditions, then sinning will never harm you, and you can fulfil your desires as much as you want."
The Atheist Teacher
A young woman teacher with obvious liberal tendencies explains to her class of small children that she is an atheist. She asks her class if they're atheists too. Not really knowing what atheism is but wanting to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks.
Story using very bad language
Mahmud was a very pious man, but he was not very attractive looking. One day, he was walking along the road, minding his own business, when a lady came up to him, and started calling him names and abusing him. This lady kept saying all kinds of nasty things, and Mahmud just listened to her patiently. Finally, when she was finished calling him names and abusing him, Mahmud just greeted her, smiled, and said
"and a nice day to you," and continued on his way.
Why did Mahmud, the pious man, behave this way?
"and a nice day to you," and continued on his way.
Why did Mahmud, the pious man, behave this way?
Carrier of my Dreams
Your eyes speak of those thoughts, your voice never did
The pain and sorrow all hidden away
with your tender heart and mercy
You gave life a new meaning, your love never ends
every moment is a new beginning
The pain and sorrow all hidden away
with your tender heart and mercy
You gave life a new meaning, your love never ends
every moment is a new beginning
10 Rahasia Mendapatkan Rasa Percaya Diri Dalam Hitungan Detik
1. Tersenyum
Tersenyum merupakan tips 1 detik jika anda merasa gugup dan tidak percaya diri. Anda tidak hanya tersenyum jika anda merasa senang dan percaya diri, sebaliknya anda bisa tersenyum untuk membuat diri anda merasa lebih baik.
Tersenyum merupakan tips 1 detik jika anda merasa gugup dan tidak percaya diri. Anda tidak hanya tersenyum jika anda merasa senang dan percaya diri, sebaliknya anda bisa tersenyum untuk membuat diri anda merasa lebih baik.
Best of Creation
I was looking for a Hero,
to admire and follow,
When I found myself in the Prophet's city,
And my journey toward Allah began.
The cool breeze of Medinah was like Da'wa
Calling me, inviting me
To visit the Best of Creation.
I am not worthy of this blessing,
I tell myself again and again.
His conduct was the Quran,
And I am merely a stumbling,
Human embodiment of broken efforts.
It was a long road to learn this simple lesson.
The path to Allah is through His Prophet.
My journey towards You Allah,
Begins with the Seerah of my Hero.
And since I love you Allah, I will follow Your Messenger.
I will love Your Messenger, when I study his Life.
When I love his Life, I will embody his Sunnah.
The Sunnah of the Chosen One.
The One who established the Din.
The Ambassador of Allah,
The Teacher, the Warner,
The Exemplar,
The Best of Creation, Muhammad.
(Sallullaho'Alayhi Wassallam)
to admire and follow,
When I found myself in the Prophet's city,
And my journey toward Allah began.
The cool breeze of Medinah was like Da'wa
Calling me, inviting me
To visit the Best of Creation.
I am not worthy of this blessing,
I tell myself again and again.
His conduct was the Quran,
And I am merely a stumbling,
Human embodiment of broken efforts.
It was a long road to learn this simple lesson.
The path to Allah is through His Prophet.
My journey towards You Allah,
Begins with the Seerah of my Hero.
And since I love you Allah, I will follow Your Messenger.
I will love Your Messenger, when I study his Life.
When I love his Life, I will embody his Sunnah.
The Sunnah of the Chosen One.
The One who established the Din.
The Ambassador of Allah,
The Teacher, the Warner,
The Exemplar,
The Best of Creation, Muhammad.
(Sallullaho'Alayhi Wassallam)
Submitted April 28, 2006
By: Ameena Ansari
Hot Water Heating Systems
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Saturday, June 14, 2014
General Knowledge,
When it comes to deciding how to heat your water, you first need to determine how much water your home will utilize on a daily basis - showers, dishwashers, washing machines. Then you'll need to decide how to fire up your water - solar, gas or electric. With basically three popular choices available, choosing your water heating system should be no sweat.
Tankless Water Heaters
Have you ever had a blast of cold water in the shower because the water ran out — it can be a chilling experience.
Tankless Water Heaters
Have you ever had a blast of cold water in the shower because the water ran out — it can be a chilling experience.
Responsive Web Design
Ever since the usage of smart phones and other net-savvy gadgets has increased, one of the biggest problems that website developers have faced is to develop a website that does not appear distorted when opened on a small screened device. Responsive web design presents a brilliantly functional solution. Responsive web design is a development process that makes the website render well on devices of all screen sizes and shapes by altering the page layout and without causing distortion of images. These designs work on the principle of fluidity, but are different from fluid web design.
Banyak baca- baca buku personality, how to live happily, how to lead our emotion, and the others, sebenarnya semuanya sudah terdapat dalam ilmu agama Islam.
Gadis Harus Dimintai Izin dan Jangan Dipaksa Menikah
Seorang gadis adalah yang lebih berhak dalam persoalan perkawinannya. Oleh karena itu ayah atau walinya tidak boleh meremehkan pendapatnya serta mengabaikan per setujuannya.
Sebab Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam telah bersabda:
“Janda lebih berhak terhadap dirinya daripada walinya, sedang perawan dimintai izin tentang urusan dirinya, dan izinnya itu ialah diamnya.” (Riwayat Al Bukhari dan Muslim)
Sebab Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam telah bersabda:
“Janda lebih berhak terhadap dirinya daripada walinya, sedang perawan dimintai izin tentang urusan dirinya, dan izinnya itu ialah diamnya.” (Riwayat Al Bukhari dan Muslim)
GWS, My angels
Without you, I'm not here.
Without you, I can't read and write anything.
Thanks for caring me. I love you.
Without you, I can't read and write anything.
Thanks for caring me. I love you.
Related Database (MySQL and CMD).pdf
Devotion or money?
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Today, as usually I went to campus. I waited for a long time
just for public transportation.
Also as usually I always pray to Allah “O
Allah, please bring me a car to take and drive me to the campus, aamiin.
Sejauh Mana Akal Dapat Mencapai Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam?
Dahulu pernah muncul zaman kejayaan ilmu pengetahuan dengan
penemuan-penemuan materialismenya, dan manusia pun dapat merasakan
pengaruhnya dalam kehidupan mereka. Dengan ini para ilmuwan mengira
bahwa mereka telah sampai pada puncak eksistensi ilmu pengetahuan.
Mereka menciptakan teori-teori dan konsep-konsep yang dapat digunakan
untuk menjelaskan semua fenomena alam raya. Kemudian mengumumkan
kejenuhan dan kebosanan mereka terhadap agama dan pengikutnya serta
akidah dan penganutnya. Ateisme telah meracuni otak dan pikiran mereka.
Kemudian gelombang ateisme ini surut ketika para ilmuan merasa telah
mampu mengalahkan kebesaran alam raya, serta tidak berkutik di depan
aturan dan teori yang telah mereka temukan sebelumnya, yang sudah
menghancurkan ketenangan dan keyakinan mereka akan kebenarannya.
Akhirnya, mereka menarik ucapannya dan mengakui akan keterbatasannya
serta mengumumkan keterbatasannya dan terus melakukan penelitian dengan
rendah hati dan beradab.
Hal ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan: akal yang sedang melakukan perenungan terhadap kerajaan Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala tidak akan mampu menemukan keajaiban sekaligus dan tidak akan sampai kepada eksistensinya secara seketika. Dia harus melewati masa-masa yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala dengan melakukan penelitian kritis. Akal juga akan berhasil menguak misteri jagad raya dengan berangsur-angsur. Keduanya harus menemukan kesimpulan yang salah dan kadang-kadang benar. Dia menerima kesalahan sebagai pelajaran agar dapat menemukan hakikatnya dengan kesimpulan yang benar. Demikianlah akal manusia, sekalipun ia sudah mencapai puncak kesempurnaan namun tidak akan sampai pada hakikat sesuatu (eksistensi). Ia hanya dapat menemukan sifat-sifat yang bermanfaat bagi manusia. Sedangkan hakikat sesuatu tidak akan dapat diraih oleh akal manusia. Hal itu mungkin sudah menjadi rahasia ilmu Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala dan bukan tugas tujuan dalam perenungan yang dilakukan oleh akal manusia.
(Hasan Al Banna)
Hal ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan: akal yang sedang melakukan perenungan terhadap kerajaan Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala tidak akan mampu menemukan keajaiban sekaligus dan tidak akan sampai kepada eksistensinya secara seketika. Dia harus melewati masa-masa yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala dengan melakukan penelitian kritis. Akal juga akan berhasil menguak misteri jagad raya dengan berangsur-angsur. Keduanya harus menemukan kesimpulan yang salah dan kadang-kadang benar. Dia menerima kesalahan sebagai pelajaran agar dapat menemukan hakikatnya dengan kesimpulan yang benar. Demikianlah akal manusia, sekalipun ia sudah mencapai puncak kesempurnaan namun tidak akan sampai pada hakikat sesuatu (eksistensi). Ia hanya dapat menemukan sifat-sifat yang bermanfaat bagi manusia. Sedangkan hakikat sesuatu tidak akan dapat diraih oleh akal manusia. Hal itu mungkin sudah menjadi rahasia ilmu Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala dan bukan tugas tujuan dalam perenungan yang dilakukan oleh akal manusia.
(Hasan Al Banna)
How to Get High Grades in College?
You have to make many decisions when thinking about college, and you're going to have to take them all on. You will make choices that will affect your whole life, so choose wisely. Check out the advice in the following article that can help see you through.
猫にゃんダンス Neko Nyan DANSU Lyric
猫にゃんダンス (OST. Chokotto Sister)
By: Harenchi Punch
お目覚めしたなら 顔洗いましょ
(こす~り こす~り こす~り こす~り)
右のお手々の にくきゅう嘗めて
(ぺろ~り ぺろ~り ぺろ~り ぺろ~り)
By: Harenchi Punch
お目覚めしたなら 顔洗いましょ
(こす~り こす~り こす~り こす~り)
右のお手々の にくきゅう嘗めて
(ぺろ~り ぺろ~り ぺろ~り ぺろ~り)
Kisah Keajaiban Dzikir Pagi dan Petang
Kamu tahu kenapa para artis banyak yang jadi politikus?
Sederhana saja, beberapa partai politik yang mengusung para artis itu ingin mendongkrak suara dengan memanfaatkan popularitas mereka, karena (maaf) orang awam (mungkin saya termasuk, MUNGKIN ya, tidak ABSOLUTE) biasanya akan memilih orang- orang yang mereka tahu, garis bawahi, sekedar TAHU, bukan KENAL.
Udah gitu aja, sekedar tambahan, dari hasil seminar kemarin yang membahas tentang kepemudaan, bahwasanya demokrasi itu bukan berbicara tentang SALAH dan BENAR, tapi berbicara tentang KALAH dan MENANG. Bukan anti demokrasi, itu adalah kenyataan!
Udah gitu aja, sekedar tambahan, dari hasil seminar kemarin yang membahas tentang kepemudaan, bahwasanya demokrasi itu bukan berbicara tentang SALAH dan BENAR, tapi berbicara tentang KALAH dan MENANG. Bukan anti demokrasi, itu adalah kenyataan!
Is that true? right!
Democracy is not talking about right and wrong, but talking about winning and losing.
Download free Momo Suki 1. 1
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Link Download Momo Suki 1. 1
Link Download Momo Suki 1. 1
Sunnah-Sunnah Dalam Berpakaian
Salah satu permasalahan yang kerap kali dialami oleh kebanyakan manusia dalam kesehariannya adalah melepas dan memakai pakaian baik untuk tujuan pencucian pakaian, tidur, atau yang selainnya.
Sunnah-sunnah yang berkaitan dengan melepas dan memakai pakaian adalah sebagai berikut:
[1]. Mengucapkan Bismillah [Dengan Nama Allah]
Hal itu diucapkan baik ketika melepas maupun memakai pakaian. Imam An-Nawawy berkata :
"Mengucapkan bismillah adalah sangat dianjurkan dalam seluruh perbuatan"
[2]. Berdo'a Ketika Memakai Pakaian
Hadits Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihin wa sallam.
"Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam apabila memakai pakaian atau baju lengan panjang atau jubah atau kopiah beliau selalu berdoa: “Ya Allah, aku mohon kepada-Mu untuk memperoleh kebaikannya dan kebaikan dari tujuan pakaian ini dibuat. Aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari keburukan dan keburukan tujuan pakaian ini dibuat.” [HR. Abu Dawud , At-Tirmidzi. Ahmad dan dishahihkan oleh Ibnu Hibban]
[3]. Memulai Dengan Yang Sebelah Kanan Ketika Akan Memakai Pakaian
Berdasarkan Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam
"Artinya : Apabila kalian memakai pakaian maka mulailah dengan yang sebelah kanan" [HR. At-Tirmidzi, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majjah. Dan hadits ini shahih]
[4]. Melepaskan Pakaian Atau Sarung Dengan Mendahulukan Yang Sebelah Kiri Kemudian Sebelah Kanan.
[Disalin dari kitab Aktsaru Min Alfi Sunnatin Fil Yaum Wal Lailah, edisi Indonesia Lebih Dari 1000 Amalan Sunnah Dalam Sehari Semalam, Penulis Khalid Al-Husainan, Penerjemah Zaki Rachmawan]
Sunnah-sunnah yang berkaitan dengan melepas dan memakai pakaian adalah sebagai berikut:
[1]. Mengucapkan Bismillah [Dengan Nama Allah]
Hal itu diucapkan baik ketika melepas maupun memakai pakaian. Imam An-Nawawy berkata :
"Mengucapkan bismillah adalah sangat dianjurkan dalam seluruh perbuatan"
[2]. Berdo'a Ketika Memakai Pakaian
Hadits Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihin wa sallam.
"Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam apabila memakai pakaian atau baju lengan panjang atau jubah atau kopiah beliau selalu berdoa: “Ya Allah, aku mohon kepada-Mu untuk memperoleh kebaikannya dan kebaikan dari tujuan pakaian ini dibuat. Aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari keburukan dan keburukan tujuan pakaian ini dibuat.” [HR. Abu Dawud , At-Tirmidzi. Ahmad dan dishahihkan oleh Ibnu Hibban]
[3]. Memulai Dengan Yang Sebelah Kanan Ketika Akan Memakai Pakaian
Berdasarkan Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam
"Artinya : Apabila kalian memakai pakaian maka mulailah dengan yang sebelah kanan" [HR. At-Tirmidzi, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majjah. Dan hadits ini shahih]
[4]. Melepaskan Pakaian Atau Sarung Dengan Mendahulukan Yang Sebelah Kiri Kemudian Sebelah Kanan.
[Disalin dari kitab Aktsaru Min Alfi Sunnatin Fil Yaum Wal Lailah, edisi Indonesia Lebih Dari 1000 Amalan Sunnah Dalam Sehari Semalam, Penulis Khalid Al-Husainan, Penerjemah Zaki Rachmawan]
Encrypting the Entire of PHP Script
Just go to the link below:
Then fill the box with your script.
Then press the Encrypt button, you will see the result
Finish! :D Just copy and paste your encrypted script. :)
Then fill the box with your script.
Then press the Encrypt button, you will see the result
Finish! :D Just copy and paste your encrypted script. :)
Database Connection Script using PHP and MySQL
$host = "localhost"; // customize to your host
$user = "root"; // customize to your user name
$password = ""; // fill blank if the user don't have a password
$db = ""; // fill with your database's name
$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password);
if (!$connect) {
echo "Connecting database failed.";
echo mysql_error();
$selectdb = mysql_select_db($db);
if (!$selectdb) {
echo "selected database failed";
echo mysql_error();
$host = "localhost"; // customize to your host
$user = "root"; // customize to your user name
$password = ""; // fill blank if the user don't have a password
$db = ""; // fill with your database's name
$connect = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password);
if (!$connect) {
echo "Connecting database failed.";
echo mysql_error();
$selectdb = mysql_select_db($db);
if (!$selectdb) {
echo "selected database failed";
echo mysql_error();
How to Make Windows 7 OS installation using Flash Disk?
1. Download your favorite Operating System which has .iso extension. For the example:
Due to its large size, I recommend you to use Internet Download Manager. e. g: IDM. You could search and download it using Google.
2. Download Windows7-USB-DVD-tool, you can download here:
Then install it.
3. Now run the Windows7-USB-DVD-tool, don't forget to plug in you Flash Disk.
4. The interface is like this.
5. Just follow the instructions!
Due to its large size, I recommend you to use Internet Download Manager. e. g: IDM. You could search and download it using Google.
2. Download Windows7-USB-DVD-tool, you can download here:
Then install it.
3. Now run the Windows7-USB-DVD-tool, don't forget to plug in you Flash Disk.
4. The interface is like this.
5. Just follow the instructions!
How to Introduce yourself in Indonesian?
Hello! Now we are going to learn how to introduce ourselves in Indonesian language :-). How many audience here? I am counting on you all. :-)
First, you say "Halo/ hai!". It has meaning "Hello/ hi" in English. It seems there isn't big different about those languanges.
Henceforth, follow those short conversation below! :-)
X: "Hai! (hi!)".
Y: "Hai! (hi!)".
X: "Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri?(May I introduce myself?)".
Y: "Ya tentu boleh (of course you might)".
X: "Nama saya X, saya tinggal di Indonesia, kesibukan saya sekarang adalah seorang pelajar, kalau Anda? (my name is X, I live in Indonesia, my occupation now is a student, how about you?".
Y: "Sama seperti Anda (same, with you)".
X: "Terimakasih, senang berkenalan dengan Anda (Thank you, nice to meet you)"
Y: "Senang berkenalan dengan Anda (nice to meet you too)".
Hope this useful for you all especially for you that learn Indonesian language. :-)
First, you say "Halo/ hai!". It has meaning "Hello/ hi" in English. It seems there isn't big different about those languanges.
Henceforth, follow those short conversation below! :-)
X: "Hai! (hi!)".
Y: "Hai! (hi!)".
X: "Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri?(May I introduce myself?)".
Y: "Ya tentu boleh (of course you might)".
X: "Nama saya X, saya tinggal di Indonesia, kesibukan saya sekarang adalah seorang pelajar, kalau Anda? (my name is X, I live in Indonesia, my occupation now is a student, how about you?".
Y: "Sama seperti Anda (same, with you)".
X: "Terimakasih, senang berkenalan dengan Anda (Thank you, nice to meet you)"
Y: "Senang berkenalan dengan Anda (nice to meet you too)".
Hope this useful for you all especially for you that learn Indonesian language. :-)
C++ Simple Calculation Programming Script
Here I use Turbo C++ IDE.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() {
int a, b, c;
cout<<"Insert 1st value = ";cin>>a;
cout<<"Insert 2nd value = ";cin>>b;
c = a + b;
cout<<"The result of 1st + 2nd value is = ";cout<<c;
You could modify the script above as your necessary.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() {
int a, b, c;
cout<<"Insert 1st value = ";cin>>a;
cout<<"Insert 2nd value = ";cin>>b;
c = a + b;
cout<<"The result of 1st + 2nd value is = ";cout<<c;
You could modify the script above as your necessary.
Virtual Basic 6 Portable Free Download
Click right pad on your mouse, open as administrator to use the IDE properly. Here the download link:
I also attach the original link where I got this IDE.
I also attach the original link where I got this IDE.
Download Free Al- Qur'an Digital
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Friday, February 28, 2014
General Knowledge,
Download di sini
Mohon didownload, dibaca, dipahami, diamalkan, dan disebarluaskan. Semoga berkah, aamiin.
Kamus Digital Bahasa Inggris
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Monday, February 24, 2014
General Knowledge,
Kamus Digital Bahasa Inggris design menarik.
Sangat disarankan untuk dishare, tidak untuk diperjualbelikan!
Islamic English Dictionary.rar
Sangat disarankan untuk dishare, tidak untuk diperjualbelikan!
Islamic English Dictionary.rar
E-Book Belajar Membaca Al-Qur'an Free Direct Download
Jangan lupa disebar ya, agar pahala kita terus mengalir, aamiin.
Semoga bermanfaat. :)
klik untuk download!
Hana Yuuka (episode 1: Yuuka and Brother)
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Saturday, January 25, 2014
All about Japan,
Hana Yuuka (有価 花, the main character, nickname: Yuuka)
Saisho Yuuka (有価 最初, Yuuka’s brother, nickname: Saisho)
Naoru Sukkari 〔直る すっかり, Yuuka’s classmate, nickname: Naoru〕
今日は明るい日です. いつものように、彼女は遅く起きます。
(; ̄Д ̄)「有価ちゃん! 有価ちゃん! ねぇ有価! すぐに起きないと、学校に遅く来ちゃったよ」、最初さんと言った。
「ねぇお兄ちゃん、今日は休み日、だから, 一日中寝ないと」、有価と言った。
(-, – )…zzzZZZ
OOAD Voting System using Star UML.rar
Here're the tasks from my lecture.
I've to build system voting web and its OOAD (Object Analysis Design), hope I can gain great score. Aamiin.
You can check the final project that I have built.
The website named Favorite Lecture Voting in STMIK Subang, Indonesia.
Here the link:
Still using free hosting and domain 'cause this's just for learning.
:) You can download its tutorial and UML file, click download link below:
sistem voting dosen favorit.rar
Those are using Indonesian language. You can request for English version, and the tutorial about web above more, just contact me on Twitter on the bottom of the blog.
May these helpful for ya!
See ya!
I've to build system voting web and its OOAD (Object Analysis Design), hope I can gain great score. Aamiin.
You can check the final project that I have built.
The website named Favorite Lecture Voting in STMIK Subang, Indonesia.
Here the link:
Still using free hosting and domain 'cause this's just for learning.
:) You can download its tutorial and UML file, click download link below:
sistem voting dosen favorit.rar
Those are using Indonesian language. You can request for English version, and the tutorial about web above more, just contact me on Twitter on the bottom of the blog.
May these helpful for ya!
See ya!
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Monday, January 20, 2014
All about Japan,
N3 Grammars
When we criticize something or while taking about the quality of something at that time "~ppoi" sentence pattern is used.
There is a negative shade to this sentence pattern.
Either i-adjective or noun is used before this phrase.
In case you use i-adjectives then just remove "i" and add "ppoi" to it.
In case of nouns directly add the phrase to it.
Some examples have been provided to you below:
That child (primary school student) acts very adult like.
I don't llike this dish. It is too greasy.
There is a negative shade to this sentence pattern.
Either i-adjective or noun is used before this phrase.
In case you use i-adjectives then just remove "i" and add "ppoi" to it.
In case of nouns directly add the phrase to it.
Some examples have been provided to you below:
That child (primary school student) acts very adult like.
I don't llike this dish. It is too greasy.
N4 Kanji and vocab list.doc
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
All about Japan,
Japanese Vocabulary,
N4 Kanji and vocab list.doc
N4 Grammars (Part II)
17. Root verb やすい = easy to be ~
= This Kanji easy to be written.
kanji ini mudah di tulis.
pola kalimat
18. Root verb にくい = difficult to ~
= Since the light has turned off, the glasses difficult to be searched.
19. Root verb はじめます = Start to ~
= I started living in Jakarta from 7 years old.
20. Root verb おわります =Finished ~
I finished reading the newspaper
21. Root verb すぎます = Too much ~
K.sifat-(i) すぎます = Too much ~
K.sifat non-i すぎます = Too much ~
= I got headache because I have drunk Sake too much.
22. Negative verb くても いい / かまいません = no need ~
= Yesterday is holiday so you needn't to go to the company
23. Negative verb ければなりません = Must~
= Must to check the machine before work.
24. Negative verb くてはいけません = Must~
= I must get up early everyday.
25. Negative verb (ら)れる = to be VIII (passive)
I've been given about Kanji from the teacher.
26. Negative verb (さ) せる = (Causative)
= Let me answer this question!
27. Negative verb (さ)せられる = (Passive causative)
= I am be commanded by the chief to clean up the litter.
28. te verb います = (present continuous tense)
= Many people are reading the books at that library everyday.
29. te verb あります = Have been~ (by someone)
= The television has turned on (by someone)
30. te verb いきます = Continue to~
= although the level 4 exam has passed, I intend to continue to level 3.
31. te verb きます = ~ then come back.
= Excuse me, I'll go to the toilet (then come back)
32. te verb おきます = doing ~ after ~
We come back after tidy up the equipment.
33. te verb みます = try to!
= I want to try to make Japanese cuisine.
34. noun/te verb ばかり = all the time
= if look at the computer all the time, the eyes definitely will be broken.
To be continued next time. :)
N4 Grammars (Part I)
1. お + root form verb + します・いたします(polite form).
e.g : 私はここで社長をお待ちいたします =I am waiting for the director here.
2. お + root form verb + ください= please~ (polite form).
どうぞさいごまでこのうたをお聞きください = please hear this song till the last!
どうぞあちらにお並びください = please queue there!
皆さん、どうぞお座りください = You all please sit down!
3. お i-adjective(without-i) う ございます(polite form)
そちらの靴のほうが少しおうございます = those shoes are little more cool.
4. Dictionary verb/noun ほど ~ない = Not as~
彼は私ほど走るのが速くない = he doesn't run as fast as me.
私のパソコンはブデイさんのパソコンほどよくないです = my computer is not as good as Budi's computer.
あのトイレは私のトイレほど狭くないです= that toilet is not as narrow as my toilet.
e.g : 私はここで社長をお待ちいたします =I am waiting for the director here.
2. お + root form verb + ください= please~ (polite form).
どうぞさいごまでこのうたをお聞きください = please hear this song till the last!
どうぞあちらにお並びください = please queue there!
皆さん、どうぞお座りください = You all please sit down!
3. お i-adjective(without-i) う ございます(polite form)
そちらの靴のほうが少しおうございます = those shoes are little more cool.
4. Dictionary verb/noun ほど ~ない = Not as~
彼は私ほど走るのが速くない = he doesn't run as fast as me.
私のパソコンはブデイさんのパソコンほどよくないです = my computer is not as good as Budi's computer.
あのトイレは私のトイレほど狭くないです= that toilet is not as narrow as my toilet.
Sundanese Letters/Aksara Sunda (Letters Used One of the Tribes in Indonesia)
Indonesia has many cultures and tribes, Sundanese including. It has different letters from others. Here some of the letters.
Days (Indonesian)
Minggu = Sunday
Senin = Monday
Selasa = Tuesday
Rabu = Wednesday
Kamis = Thursday
Jum'at = Friday
Sabtu = Saturday
Senin = Monday
Selasa = Tuesday
Rabu = Wednesday
Kamis = Thursday
Jum'at = Friday
Sabtu = Saturday
JLPT N5 Vocab List.doc
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
All about Japan,
Japanese Vocabulary,
N5 Japanese Vocabularies
N5 Japanese Grammars
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Sunday, January 19, 2014
All about Japan,
N5 Japanese Grammars
It has no meaning. Always placed at the end of the sentence. Also to indicate that this's a polite sentence.
私は学生です=watashi wa gakusei desu = I am a student
も or MO is "also" in English.
= watashi wa neko ga suki desu,.kare mo neko ga suki desu
It has no meaning. Always placed at the end of the sentence. Also to indicate that this's a polite sentence.
私は学生です=watashi wa gakusei desu = I am a student
も or MO is "also" in English.
= watashi wa neko ga suki desu,.kare mo neko ga suki desu
Katakana Characters
ア a イ i ウ u エ e オ o
カ ka キ ki ク ku ケ ke コ ko
キャ kya キュ kyu キョ kyo
サ sa シ shi ス su セ se ソ so
シャ sha シュ shu ショ sho
タ ta チ chi ツ tsu テ te ト to
チャ cha チュ chu チョ cho
ナ na ニ ni ヌ nu ネ ne ノ no
ニャ nya ニュ nyu ニョ nyo
ハ ha ヒ hi フ fu ヘ he ホ ho
ヒャ hya ヒュ hyu ヒョ hyo
マ ma ミ mi ム mu メ me モ mo
ミャ mya ミュ myu ミョ myo
ヤ ya ユ yu ヨ yo
ラ ra リ ri ル ru レ re ロ ro
リャ rya リュ ryu リョ ryo
ワ wa ヰ wi ヱ we ヲ wo
ン n
ガ ga ギ gi グ gu ゲ ge ゴ go
ギャ gya ギュ gyu ギョ gyo
ザ za ジ ji ズ zu ゼ ze ゾ zo
ジャ ja ジュ ju ジョ jo
ダ da ヂ ji ヅ zu デ de ド do
バ ba ビ bi ブ bu ベ be ボ bo
ビャ bya ビュ byu ビョ byo
パ pa ピ pi プ pu ペ pe ポ po
ピャ pya ピュ pyu ピョ pyo
イェ ye ウィ wi ウェ we ウォ wo
ヴァ va ヴィ vi ヴ vu ヴェ ve ヴォ vo
シェ she ジェ je チェ che
ティ ti トゥ tu テュ tyu
ディ di ドゥ du デュ dyu
ツァ tsa ツィ tsi ツェ tse ツォ tso
ファ fa フィ fi フェ fe フォ fo フュ fyu
カ ka キ ki ク ku ケ ke コ ko
キャ kya キュ kyu キョ kyo
サ sa シ shi ス su セ se ソ so
シャ sha シュ shu ショ sho
タ ta チ chi ツ tsu テ te ト to
チャ cha チュ chu チョ cho
ナ na ニ ni ヌ nu ネ ne ノ no
ニャ nya ニュ nyu ニョ nyo
ハ ha ヒ hi フ fu ヘ he ホ ho
ヒャ hya ヒュ hyu ヒョ hyo
マ ma ミ mi ム mu メ me モ mo
ミャ mya ミュ myu ミョ myo
ヤ ya ユ yu ヨ yo
ラ ra リ ri ル ru レ re ロ ro
リャ rya リュ ryu リョ ryo
ワ wa ヰ wi ヱ we ヲ wo
ン n
ガ ga ギ gi グ gu ゲ ge ゴ go
ギャ gya ギュ gyu ギョ gyo
ザ za ジ ji ズ zu ゼ ze ゾ zo
ジャ ja ジュ ju ジョ jo
ダ da ヂ ji ヅ zu デ de ド do
バ ba ビ bi ブ bu ベ be ボ bo
ビャ bya ビュ byu ビョ byo
パ pa ピ pi プ pu ペ pe ポ po
ピャ pya ピュ pyu ピョ pyo
イェ ye ウィ wi ウェ we ウォ wo
ヴァ va ヴィ vi ヴ vu ヴェ ve ヴォ vo
シェ she ジェ je チェ che
ティ ti トゥ tu テュ tyu
ディ di ドゥ du デュ dyu
ツァ tsa ツィ tsi ツェ tse ツォ tso
ファ fa フィ fi フェ fe フォ fo フュ fyu
Hiragana Characters
あ a い i う u え e お o
か ka き kiく ku け ke こ ko
きゃ kya きゅ kyu きょ kyo
さ sa し shi す su せ se そ so
しゃ sha しゅ shu しょ sho
た ta ち chi つ tsu て te と to
ちゃ cha ちゅ chu ちょ cho
な na に ni ぬ nu ね ne の no
にゃ nya にゅ nyu にょ nyo
は ha ひ hi ふ fu へ he ほ ho
ひゃ hya ひゅ hyu ひょ hyo
ま ma み mi む mu め me も mo
みゃ mya みゅ myu みょ myo
や ya ゆ yu よ yo
ら ra り ri る ru れ re ろ ro
りゃ rya りゅ ryu りょ ryo
わ wa ゐ wi ゑ we を wo ん n
が ga ぎ gi ぐ gu げ ge ご go
ぎゃ gya ぎゅ gyu ぎょ gyo
ざ za じ ji ず zu ぜ ze ぞ zo
じゃ ja じゅ ju じょ jo
だ da ぢ (ji) づ (zu) で de ど do
ぢゃ (ja) ぢゅ (ju) ぢょ (jo)
ば ba び bi ぶ bu べ be ぼ bo
びゃ bya びゅ byu びょ byo
ぱ pa ぴ pi ぷ pu ぺ pe ぽ po
ぴゃ pya ぴゅ pyu ぴょ pyo
か ka き kiく ku け ke こ ko
きゃ kya きゅ kyu きょ kyo
さ sa し shi す su せ se そ so
しゃ sha しゅ shu しょ sho
た ta ち chi つ tsu て te と to
ちゃ cha ちゅ chu ちょ cho
な na に ni ぬ nu ね ne の no
にゃ nya にゅ nyu にょ nyo
は ha ひ hi ふ fu へ he ほ ho
ひゃ hya ひゅ hyu ひょ hyo
ま ma み mi む mu め me も mo
みゃ mya みゅ myu みょ myo
や ya ゆ yu よ yo
ら ra り ri る ru れ re ろ ro
りゃ rya りゅ ryu りょ ryo
わ wa ゐ wi ゑ we を wo ん n
が ga ぎ gi ぐ gu げ ge ご go
ぎゃ gya ぎゅ gyu ぎょ gyo
ざ za じ ji ず zu ぜ ze ぞ zo
じゃ ja じゅ ju じょ jo
だ da ぢ (ji) づ (zu) で de ど do
ぢゃ (ja) ぢゅ (ju) ぢょ (jo)
ば ba び bi ぶ bu べ be ぼ bo
びゃ bya びゅ byu びょ byo
ぱ pa ぴ pi ぷ pu ぺ pe ぽ po
ぴゃ pya ぴゅ pyu ぴょ pyo
The Tears Of Finding The Truth Through The Internet.pdf
Simple 3D Islamic web template free download
Posted by
Dewi Mulyani
Monday, January 13, 2014
Web Template Free Download
Download Simple 3D Islamic web template for free.
It build from HTML, CSS, Java Script, and JQuery.
1. Photo gallery
2. Document snow effect
3. Live date
Screen shot:
It build from HTML, CSS, Java Script, and JQuery.
1. Photo gallery
2. Document snow effect
3. Live date
Screen shot:
Removing shortcut/ramnit virus in flashdisk via CMD
Here the steps:
1. Go to run on your Windows!
2. In the search box, type "run" without quote!. The CMD box will be appear.
3. If your flashdisk is F directory, type such command without quote "F:".
4. Well then your CMD in the F directory, let's appear the viruses, type such command without quote:"attrib -s -h -r /s /d".
5. Now you can look for the viruses in the F directory and remove it normally.
Congrats! the viruses have removed.
1. Go to run on your Windows!
2. In the search box, type "run" without quote!. The CMD box will be appear.
3. If your flashdisk is F directory, type such command without quote "F:".
4. Well then your CMD in the F directory, let's appear the viruses, type such command without quote:"attrib -s -h -r /s /d".
5. Now you can look for the viruses in the F directory and remove it normally.
Congrats! the viruses have removed.
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