Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Today, as usually I went to campus. I waited for a long time
just for public transportation.
Also as usually I always pray to Allah “O
Allah, please bring me a car to take and drive me to the campus, aamiin.
the car didn't come yet. I sent a message to my mom, “mom, the car didn't come
yet”, and as usually she just replied “just wait! There is a traffic jam at
Cibatu”. “Where is Cibatu, mom?”, “the way toward Sadang”, she replied.”Oh I
Finally I just could wait. Alhamdulillah finally the car come.
There was a woman beside me, I asked her, “where will you
She said that she had just visited her baby in the hospital.
The baby
attacked by pneumonia disease. She said
her baby had to care in A class that had the high price. Moreover, she must
paid a down payment as much as one million. High range in my mind.
only that, even many poor people ignored in some hospitals.
What the hell? What
are they looking for? devotion or money?
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